Popular FAQs
- Q1How long does shipment take?
- Q2What is the total cost required to own a car?
- Q3Do you give discount?
- Q4What is PicknBuy24.com's payment method?
- Q5Do you know our local clearing agent?
About PicknBuy24.com
- Q1Who operates PicknBuy24.com?
- Q2Is PicknBuy24.com trustworthy?
- Q3Why do people choose PicknBuy24.com?
- Q4What office hours do PicknBuy24.com follow?
About Membership
- Q1What are the benefits of becoming a member?
- Q2Do I have to become a member?
- Q3How do I sign up as a member?
- Q4How do I receive my Account ID and password?
- Q5I forgot my password!
About the Vehicle's Condition
- Q1How can I confirm the vehicle's condition?
- Q2What if I was unhappy with the vehicle's condition?
- Q3What is Reg. Year?
- Q4What is Seatbelts Year?
About Import Procedures
- Q1Which documents do I need to receive my vehicle?
- Q2Do I need to contact a clearing agent?
- Q3How do I find a clearing agent?
- Q4When will I receive my vehicle?
About Important Information by Country
- Q1For Zambian and Ugandan clients (What is JEVIC/EAA Inspection?)
- Q2For Tanzanian clients (What is EAA Inspection?)
- Q3For Central African, Nigerian, Senegalese, Mali and Guinean clients (What is CTN Document?)
- Q4For Mozambican clients
- Q5For Malawian clients
- Q6For Caribbean clients
- Q7For Clients importing through Durban port, South Africa
- Q8For Congo(DRC) clients (Apply for BIVAC number)
- Q9For Kenyan clients (What is QISJ Inspection?)
- Q10For Jamaican clients (What is ATJ Inspection?)
- Q11For Papua New Guinea clients (What is JEVIC Inspection?)
- Q12For Australian clients and other people who have to use Australian port (What is DAF Inspection?)
About Total Cost(s)
- Q1What is FOB?
- Q2What is the total cost required to own a car?
- Q3How much is the shipping cost?
- Q4What does the warranty cover?
- Q5What is stereo installation?
- Q6How do I receive a Proforma Invoice?
- Q7Do you give discount?
About Payment
- Q1How do I receive a Proforma Invoice?
- Q2When should I pay?
- Q3What if the car was sold to another client after I paid or the vehicle is damage?
- Q4When should I pay Shipping cost(s)?
- Q5What is PicknBuy24.com's payment method?
- Q6What are your bank account details?
- Q7Can I pay by credit card?
- Q8Do you accept my local currency?
About Spare Parts
- Q1How to Order spare parts?
- Q2Are they Brand-New?
- Q3Can we order the parts which are not indicated on the list?
- Q4What about the courier cost?
- Q5Why the parts that arrived is different?
About Shipment
- Q1How long does shipment take?
- Q2When will my car be shipped?
- Q3How will I know about the shipping schedule?
- Q4What is the information required for shipment?
- Q5What do I have to prepare for the shipment?
- Q1I have a problem with Internet access.
- Q2Can I order by Fax or Phone?
- Q3Can I buy a left-handed car?
- Q4Can I order spare parts?
- Q5I am not living in my country at the moment, which address do I indicate when I order my vehicle?
- Q6Do you have any representative(s) outside of Japan?
- Q7Why do Japanese people trade their cars in so early?
- Q8Why is mileage(KM) so low?
- Q9What is PicknBuy24.com's claim policy?
- Q10Can I amend the Bill of Lading?