Frequently Asked Questions

Popular FAQs

  1. Q1How long does shipment take?
  2. Q2What is the total cost required to own a car?
  3. Q3Do you give discount?
  4. Q4What is's payment method?
  5. Q5Do you know our local clearing agent?


  1. Q1Who operates
  2. Q2Is trustworthy?
  3. Q3Why do people choose
  4. Q4What office hours do follow?

About Membership

  1. Q1What are the benefits of becoming a member?
  2. Q2Do I have to become a member?
  3. Q3How do I sign up as a member?
  4. Q4How do I receive my Account ID and password?
  5. Q5I forgot my password!

About the Vehicle's Condition

  1. Q1How can I confirm the vehicle's condition?
  2. Q2What if I was unhappy with the vehicle's condition?
  3. Q3What is Reg. Year?
  4. Q4What is Seatbelts Year?

About Import Procedures

  1. Q1Which documents do I need to receive my vehicle?
  2. Q2Do I need to contact a clearing agent?
  3. Q3How do I find a clearing agent?
  4. Q4When will I receive my vehicle?

About Important Information by Country

  1. Q1For Zambian and Ugandan clients (What is JEVIC/EAA Inspection?)
  2. Q2For Tanzanian clients (What is EAA Inspection?)
  3. Q3For Central African, Nigerian, Senegalese, Mali and Guinean clients (What is CTN Document?)
  4. Q4For Mozambican clients
  5. Q5For Malawian clients
  6. Q6For Caribbean clients
  7. Q7For Clients importing through Durban port, South Africa
  8. Q8For Congo(DRC) clients (Apply for BIVAC number)
  9. Q9For Kenyan clients (What is QISJ Inspection?)
  10. Q10For Jamaican clients (What is ATJ Inspection?)
  11. Q11For Papua New Guinea clients (What is JEVIC Inspection?)
  12. Q12For Australian clients and other people who have to use Australian port (What is DAF Inspection?)