Tips from Used Car Advisor

Car Advisor Tamotsu Todoroki

Hi, this is Tamotsu Todoroki. I am a car advisor of
I write an online column every week to take care of your vehicle. My column is all about something useful and practical for your vehicle. Please have a look once to keep your car in good condition.


Pokemon Go and Other Things You Should Never Do while Driving - Vol.323

It began with the convenience of a drive through meal and quickly went on to those convenient communication devices that are in everyone's hands these days, the trend of choosing the modern conveniences of our modern lives to the neglect of personal and public safety, that is.

Things were bad when hot cups of coffee were falling on laps, distracting drivers and causing accidents, but today's dangers are on another level of technological insanity. Augmented reality allows those with mobile devices to engage in the popular game Pokemon Go, which is being hailed as a raging success by the software community and condemned as an epic fail by international traffic safety commissions.

The game invites players to an augmented reality where Poke-creatures are waiting behind every blade of grass, "private property" notification and even right in the middle of the street. There have been a strain of horrific traffic accidents and potentially dangerous trespassing occurrences relate to this popular free game was released from the Nintendo Company.

In regards to this major threat on public safety, this article aims to outline the primary function of the driver's seat and vehicle interface as well as indicate what type of activities are detrimental to the proper handling of vehicle and should be postponed till the car has reached a full stop at its destination.

Three Important Characteristics of a Safe Driver
Focused on the Task at Hand - these modern vehicles we drive make the transportation process so easy that it is common to assume this time can be taken advantage of to engage in other pursuits. Whether actually hunting down computer generated creatures through the Pokemon Go world or simply grabbing some breakfast from the nearest drive through, multi-taking behind the steering wheel is a recipe for disaster.

It only takes a second to end a life and cause serious damage, to avoid this you will need to have your attention on the road even a conversation with another passenger, let alone across a mobile device, can distract your mind for one fatal encounter. Don't let it happen to you.

Assumes Nothing - there are no guarantees on the road. We would all like to believe that the motorists on the roads with us are intelligent drivers, but the headlines tell us many of them are playing Pokemon Go or engaged in other activities. Drive intelligently and always keep a safe distance from other drivers.

This is especially important when passing, crossing or tailing another motorist. Never base your actions on what you assume the other person will do, even if they turn on a turn signal, it could have been a "Charmander" related occurrence rather than an actual intention to turn.

Respect for Safety - a safe driver understands that their car is only as safe as they make sure it is. This means keeping up to date with service and maintenance that prolongs the vital functions of the vehicle and understanding it is a dangerous form of transportation. A car is not a boom box, blaring music while navigating your car decreases the sensitivity you will have to your environment.

Furthermore, a car is not a toy; it is not to be used for friendly racing, intense games of chicken or the desperate chase for Pokemon characters. If you want to engage in these kind of activities there are amusement parks and race tracks aplenty, but people die on the road, and for the worst possible reasons.

While driving and owning an automobile can be one of the simple joys of life it is not a hobby for the foolish. Parents typically hand out cars to their kids for reasons of convenience, but making sure a driver understands the grave responsibility before providing them with a car will keep more young people from meeting an untimely death.