Tips from Used Car Advisor

Car Advisor Tamotsu Todoroki

Hi, this is Tamotsu Todoroki. I am a car advisor of
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10 Tips to Wash Your Car Like a Pro - Vol.297

While a car wash might seem like a quick and easy solution for taking care of your car, no one is going to take care of your car better than yourself.

In this article you will find 10 tips on how to wash your car like a pro.

1. Use only dedicated car-wash products.
You may be tempted to use household cleaning supplies such as dishwashing detergent or hand soap. They should not be used when washing a car because they may damage the paint of your car.

Instead, use specialty car-wash products that have been formulated to take care and protect your paint. The same principle applies to microfiber towels, cleaning cloths and brushes. Only use products designed for car cleaning.

2. Prepare your car for a wash.
Let your car cool down if it has been in a direct sunlight for a while or if it is warm after driving. Heat makes soap and water dry extremely fast and may cause spots and deposits appearing on the body of your car. Once your car cools down, thoroughly rinse it with water before you begin washing. Rinsing helps to get rid of small dirt particles that might scratch the paint.

3. Use different towels for car body and wheels.
Wheels and tires are usually much dirtier than the body of a car. They have brake dust, sand and other particles on them.

4. When cleaning the wheels, make sure that the specific wheel cleaner is safe for your wheels.
Choose an "all tire" cleaner if you want to be on the safe side.

5. Know how to use a sponge when washing a car.
Once you begin a wash, don't move a cleaning cloth or a sponge in circles. This might scratch the paint. Make lengthwise movements across the body of your car. Wash and rinse a chosen area completely before moving to the next one.

6. Dry the car using drying towels.
Do not let your car dry by leaving it to dry on its own. Do not put your car in direct sunlight once you are done washing it. Do not drive it around hoping that it will dry faster. All these methods might result in spots on the paint. Use drying towels or sponges to carefully remove the water.

7. Polish to give your car a shiny look.
Washing a car removes dirt. Polishing the paint makes its surface smooth and makes your car look like new. Do not confuse polish cream with wax. Polish cream makes paint smooth, wax protects it. Use a polishing tool to polish your car.

8. Protect polished paint with wax.
A new car comes out of a factory with a layer of protective wax on top of the paint. This wax layer protects the paint from small scratches and stains. It wears out with time, so waxing your car every few months is a great idea.

9. Clean the glass last
Glass will have dirt from previous steps accumulate on it, so it has to be cleaned last. If you are using a glass cleaner with ammonia, do not use it on the instrument panel or the vinyl upholstery.

10. Pay attention to details
Make sure to roll the windows down a little and clean the top edges.

Once you've cleaned the glass, wipe it with a microfiber cloth. Microfiber will absorb cleaner residue that might cause spots on the windows.

If during a wash you drop a sponge or a towel on the ground, rinse it before using it again. It might have picked up particles that will scratch the paint of your car.