Tips from Used Car Advisor

Car Advisor Tamotsu Todoroki

Hi, this is Tamotsu Todoroki. I am a car advisor of
I write an online column every week to take care of your vehicle. My column is all about something useful and practical for your vehicle. Please have a look once to keep your car in good condition.


Keep Your Car's Transmission Healthy - Vol.291

Your transmission is a very important part of your vehicle, without it your vehicle won't move. That's why it is important to keep it in good working order, otherwise you may be left with a very hefty repair bill, and know body wants that. Below is some information that will help keep your transmission healthy and in proper working order.

Yearly Maintenance
Everybody knows about the importance of changing your oil at regular intervals, but you may not realize that you should have your transmission system service once per year. They will completely drain your transmission fluid, replace your filter, and refill it with new and clean fluid. This in itself will greatly increase the life and performance of your transmission and can save you money in the future.

Fix Small Problems
Most big transmission problems begin as something small. Do not ignore a small problem, at the first sign of a transmission issue have it checked out by a mechanic, this will save you money and prevent a major issue, prolonging the life of your transmission.

Cooling System
Service your cooling system annually and keep it in good working order. Your vehicle's cooling system cools the transmission fluid as well as your engine. Keeping this system functioning properly will extend not only the life of your transmission but your engine as well.

Regular Tuneups
Today everything in your car is connected by a computer. An engine that is not properly maintained can affect your transmission and its operation. Regular tune ups not only increase the life and performance of your engine, but your transmission as well.

Proper Shifting
Incorrect shifting or use of the transmission can cause a great deal of wear and tear on a vehicle, not to mention can cause costly repairs. With an automatic transmission drive in the in the correct gear, do not attempt to manually shift, and come to a complete stop before changing to a different gear.
With a manual transmission let off the gas when you shift, this will allow the vehicle to shift easier and put less wear and tear on your transmission component. Avoid grinding the gears, the gears in a transmission have teeth, and grinding them wears them down over time and can be quite costly to repair.

Now days there are additives for just about every fluid in your vehicle, this includes transmission fluid. Many of these additives have been proven to to improve and extend the life and performance of your vehicle's transmission. There are many decent ones available at your local auto parts store, but the best performing additives are only available at a transmission repair shop.

Keep Your Fluid Full
Keeping your vehicle's transmission fluid at the proper level is one of the most important things you can do. Check your fluid regularly, as this directly affects the efficiency and healthy operation of your vehicle's transmission, and frequently low transmission fluid can indicate a problem.

Install An Aftermarket Transmission Cooler
Heat is terrible for your transmission, the more it heats up the more things can go wrong, or begin to breakdown. This can lead to expensive repair bills. An aftermarket or secondary transmission cooler will help increase the life of your transmission and increase its performance.

These are some things that you can, and should do to prolong the life, increase the performance, and prevent costly repairs to your vehicle's transmission. Ensuring proper yearly and routine maintenance, good driving and shifting habits, and familiarity and understanding of your vehicle and its maintenance requirements is the responsibility of every vehicle owner.