Tips from Used Car Advisor

Car Advisor Tamotsu Todoroki

Hi, this is Tamotsu Todoroki. I am a car advisor of
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How To Choose The Right Tires For My Vehicle - Vol.248

Choosing the right tires for your car is extremely important when it comes to ensuring safe operation. This is especially true when you take varying weather conditions into account, as having the right tires for different conditions can be the difference between keeping control of the car and having it veer across the road uncontrollably.

Of course, the weather isn't the only thing that needs to be taken into consideration when choosing new tires so be sure to bear all of the following pointers in mind before handing over your cash.

Every vehicle comes equipped with tires of a certain size as standard and it is important to remember this when it comes time to replace one. Buying tires that are not the correct size for your vehicle can cause issues in regards to balancing issues and is also generally fairly unsafe.

Check your owner's manual before purchasing any new tires. This should tell you exactly what size you need to be looking for so you know exactly where to go before you make a purchase. If you're still unsure ask your mechanic and they should be able to point you in the right direction.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Tires generally come in three categories ? premium, mid-range and budget. Paying the extra money for a set of premium tires will ensure quality and longevity regardless of the weather and road conditions and you will find that you won't need to replace them very often.

Budget tires, on the other hand, are perfectly serviceable on most roads but will begin to experience some problems in wet or wintry conditions and will need to be replaced after about 8,000 miles, which means you will be incurring upfront expenses more often, even if said expenses are less than if you buy premium.

Mid-range, as the name implies, is a happy middle ground. The tires are more durable than budget tires but you will be paying a little extra. They will be able to handle most weather conditions admirably but still won't have the longevity of a premium tire. Still, they are a good option for those who want something a little better but don't want to incur the upfront cost of the highest quality tires.

We mentioned weather earlier and it is extremely important to consider before making a purchase. While standard tires, especially premium ones, will be serviceable in most conditions, if you happen to live in area that experiences extremes of weather it is worth investing in a dedicated set of tires that allow you to deal with it more easily.

If cold temperatures, snow and ice are regular issues take a look at snow tires to provide additional grip and traction on otherwise difficult roads. The same size and cost issues will be in play but you will be getting a tire that is better suited to the conditions that your car will be running on and you get added peace of mind knowing that the tire is made specifically for such hazardous conditions.

Vehicle type
It should go without saying that different vehicle types require different types of tires. After all, a 4x4 isn't going to be able to make do with the tires you would put on a saloon vehicle. Consult your owner's manual to check exactly what sort of tires you vehicle needs to maintain maximum operation capabilities and speak to a mechanic if you are uncertain. After all, buying the wrong type of tire for the vehicle will only lead to you incurring extra cost, which is never a pleasant experience.