
What Color Is the Best Choice for Your New Car? How It Will Affect the Resale Value in the Future - Vol.478

If you are planning to buy a new car, you might be wondering what color to choose. You may have your personal preferences, but did you know that the color of your car can also affect its resale value in the future? According to various studies, some car colors are more popular and retain their value better than others. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best car color for your new vehicle.

One of the main factors that influence the resale value of a car is its popularity. The more popular a color is, the more likely it is to have a higher demand and a lower supply in the used car market. This means that you can sell your car faster and for a higher price if you choose a popular color.

According to an iSeeCars 2019 study that analyzed 9.4 million 1- to 5-year old used vehicles, white is the most popular color for cars in America. White cars took first place by a .7% margin over black cars. In fact, greyscale, neutral colors like white, black, gray and silver colored 77% of cars on the road. Red cars account for 10.3% and blue cars for 9% of all vehicles lightly used sold in 2019.

These colors are considered safe and classic choices that appeal to a wide range of buyers. They also match well with different types of cars, from sedans to SUVs. If you want to maximize your chances of selling your car in the future, you might want to stick with these core colors.

Another factor that can affect the resale value of a car is its rarity. Sometimes, a rare color can increase the value of a car if it is desirable and unique. For example, yellow, orange, and purple cars have been found to have above-average resale values, despite being among the least common colors on the road.

These colors are often associated with sports cars and other low-volume vehicles that hold their value relatively well. They also stand out from the crowd and attract buyers who are looking for something different and fun. However, rarity alone does not guarantee a high resale value. If a color is too uncommon or too flashy, it might deter some buyers who prefer more conventional colors.

The last factor to consider when choosing a car color is its maintenance. Some colors are easier to keep clean and shiny than others. This can affect how your car looks over time and how much effort you need to put into maintaining it.

Generally speaking, lighter colors like white, silver, and gray are easier to maintain than darker colors like black, blue, and green. Lighter colors hide dust and dirt better and do not show scratches and swirls as much as darker colors do. Darker colors, on the other hand, require more frequent washing and polishing to keep them looking good.

However, this does not mean that you should avoid darker colors altogether. A well-maintained dark-colored car can look very elegant and luxurious, especially if it has a metallic or glossy finish. The key is to take good care of your car regardless of its color and protect it from sun damage, rust, and corrosion.

Choosing a car color is not only a matter of personal taste but also a matter of practicality. The color of your car can affect its resale value in the future, depending on its popularity, rarity, and maintenance. If you want to get the best return on your investment, you should consider these factors before making your decision.

However, you should also remember that buying a car is not only about money but also about enjoyment. You should choose a color that makes you happy and reflects your personality and style. After all, you will be driving your car for years to come, so you might as well enjoy it.